Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Addicts Want Money to Buy Drugs to FEEL GOOD

Do what you love and your problems will solve themselves.
This is how it has always worked for me.
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The Secret To FAST Addiction RECOVERY

The feeling of powerlessness is such a gawd awful feeling that it causes many people to become addicted to something rather than 'feel that feeling'.   That feeling in particular, that powerless feeling is the gatekeeper to you experiencing your authentic power.  It is the thing that is between you and experiencing your personal power and magnificence like you have never experienced it before. To move through the 'powerless feeling' feel what you feel when you feel it (without judging it in any way). If you do that, the 'powerless feeling' will harmlessly pass you by like clouds in the sky. In its place you will experience your ' authentic power; and creativity beyond anything you ever imagined possible for yourself.

                     The FREE Newsletter That Makes People Feel Better Than GOOD

Monday, August 21, 2017

What Do Recovering Addicts TRUST?

Recovering Addicts trust some form of a higher power, it could be a rabbit's foot, a gold coin or the God of their understanding. The point is addicts trust something to keep them sober.

Trust Does Not Come EASY to Addicts

Addicts, in most if not all cases, were severely abused emotionally or physically at some point in their life. Their were abused at a time when they had no skills to deal with the pain their experienced except to bury it. The problem with burying the pain is the unresolved pain that people carry around inside of them leads them to become addicted in the first place.  If you can feel the pain you can heal it, If you bury the pain, the pain will bury you.

Addicts Just Want To Be HAPPY.

When happiness becomes more important to the addict than his addiction, he will be happy. Addictions stay in place because addicts resist their addiction which keeps them focused on their addiction which keep them reinforcing the 'habit of their addiction'. Addiction like any habit can be changed once happiness become more important than the addiction itself.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Addicts Are Love STARVED

The more love an addict receives the more he relies on love for his high rather than his addiction (food, porn, busy work, drugs, negative thoughts) The only kind of love that works for an addict is unconditional love because conditional love is not love at all, it is control.